Project: My Mother’s Legacy


My Mother’s Legacy has received substantial attention in the press over the course of the past twenty years including articles, interviews and podcasts.

Noah Culp, NSTV Videographer/Editor, James Library interview with Sarah: "My Mother's Legacy" by Sarah Hutt | Art Gallery at the James Library

”Sarah Hutt: My Mother’s Legacy”,

“Sarah Hutt: My Mother’s Legacy”, Texas Visual Art

Bryant, Anne, Seacostonline, “At the Edge; exhibit is irreverent, exciting”, May 27

Dawson, Shirley, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, “Meditation on Mourning”, May 6

”Sarah Hutt”, My House is Cuter than Yours blog, September 5

Bernard-Hollins, Sonya, Battle Creek Enquire News, “Artist…memories of mom”, April 27

Gilbert, Elaine, Hastings Banner, “Artist comes home with tribute to her mom”, April 1

Beason, Tyrone, Seattle Times, "Etched with love: Artist honors mother", September 27

Hackett, Regina, Seattle Post, "In the Galleries", September 5

Zones, Jane, Breast Cancer Action, San Francisco, CA, "Creating a Legacy", Nov/Dec 2001

Spector, Carrie, San Francisco Breast Cancer Awareness Profile, November

Rushworth, Katherine, Syracuse Daily News, "Two Views", March 18

Nigrosh, Leon, The Worcester Phoenix, “Home invasion”, October 13

Wally, Sally, Worcester Magazine, “Fairytales in Domesticity”, October 4

Mulski, Susan, Reviews, Art New England, June/July

Kushner, Aviya, ArtsMEDIA, “Reviews”, March 15-April 15, Volume 4, Number 7

Silver, Joanne, Boston Herald, “Bowls hold memories of lost mother”, March 24

Wados, Walter, Baywindows, “Running up the numbers”, March 23

McQuaid, Cate, The Boston Globe, “Review”, March 16

Wildman, David, The Boston Globe, “Wood bowls inscribed with love”, February 27

Mildsommar, Margareta, TAB Community Newspaper, “Memories of Mom”, February 24

Wu, Janet, WHDH-TV 7/NBC, On Special Assignment: A Mother’s Legacy, Sarah Hutt, February 16

Ribardo, Shelly, ABC, WWTI TV-50, Watertown, New York, October 28

Mason, Melvin, “A Distinct Grace”, Daily Courier Observer, Watertown, NY, September 4

A Distinct Grace,” Sarah interviewed on National Public Radio by special correspondent Susan Stamberg on the occasion of the group exhibition A Distinct Grace at SUNY Potsdam, Potsdam, NY, September 3

Kane, Rabbi Gerald M., “The Art of Burning Memories,” sermon by Rabbi Gerald M. Kane, co-founder, Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education, Las Cruces, NM, September 20

Silver, Joanne, Boston Herald, "When art grieves", January 15

Tutter, Catherine, Boston Museum School Alumni Newsletter, "Interview", Winter

A Distinct Grace: Before, During and After Breast Cancer, Roland Gibson Gallery, SUNY-Potsdam, NY, exhibition catalog

Schimpt, Sheila, Lansing Chronicle, " exhibit conjures...emotions." September 11

Kittredge, Kevin, The Roanoke Times, Roanoke, Virginia, "Near to their hearts," Jan. 20

Harrison Helen, New York Times, ”Confronting the Specter of Breast Cancer”, September 29

Isaacson, Philip, Maine Telegraph, "Exploring the means of memory," March 10

Wasserman, Burton, New Jersey Magazine, "Art Massachusetts," October

Goldsmith, Rebecca, South Jersey Inquirer, "Exhibit explores," September 12

Tarlow, Lois, Art New England, "Profile: Sarah Hutt," October